Holy Week Prayers
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Holy Week Prayers

For each day of the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we created a simple breath prayer to meditate on throughout the day. Each prayer is designed to help you to release something to God as you exhale, and to receive something from God as you inhale. This contemplative practice is a simple way to intentionally incorporate prayer into your daily life through the function of breathing, which you do naturally. Included below are the write-ups that accompanied each prayer on our social media posts.

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Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh


As a child, one of the ways that I was often encouraged to help with family meals was in setting the table. Both sets of my grandparents lived near one another, so we often did two Christmas meals, two thanksgivings, and two Easter dinners. For my one grandmother, I would set the table with her special occasion china dishes, silverware, fine linens, and crystal glasses. I enjoyed placing the silverware in just the right way with all the extra pieces we didn’t normally use at a regular meal. Then we would go to my other grandparent’s home and I would set the table there as well. The dishes and cutlery were the same as every other day, but the there was just as much love put into the preparation of the meal, and the table overflowed with so much food and good conversation.

A theme that God has drawing my attention to recently, has been one of invitation and response. Everything that we receive from God is by his invitation. There is no space within our lives that out of bounds for God, and yet, he invites us to welcome him in.  Everything in our lives, including our faith, is received by his initiation and invitation. In scripture, one of the key metaphors of invitation and response is pictured as a table, specifically that of a banquet table.

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Opening the Fist of Unforgiveness
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Opening the Fist of Unforgiveness

The longer that unforgiveness is left unchecked and undealt with, it will begin to breed bitterness, anger and resentment among other things. All of these are toxic to your soul. It may feel as though holding onto these things means that you are holding toxin for another to drink, but in actuality it is slowly affecting and harming you.

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Dealing With Fear: Giving God Access
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Dealing With Fear: Giving God Access

One of the most important things to do when you are wanting to deal with your fears is to figure out why they are there in the first place. Most people who are struggling with fear are not aware of the why of their fears, but they certainly are aware of the what and the who, and in many cases the when.  

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From Deficit to Abundance in Love
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

From Deficit to Abundance in Love

Love everyone: this does not mean that you trust everyone, or even like everyone, however, God asks us to love others as a response to his love that we have received. He loved first, and we love because of his love. It is impossible on our own to purely love everyone. We literally cannot do it all the time, for everyone, in every circumstance. We can try our best to love, but that is all that we can do on our own. This is where we need to go one step further and invite God to fill out and fill up wherever we feel a poverty in the area of love with the abundance and fullness of His love.

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The Source of Love
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Source of Love

We were created for perfect love, by the God of love, so that we may know and experience His love. God is the source of pure, unadulterated, unaffected love that is not corrupted or tainted in any way. This perfect love flows from His presence like an unending river that He calls and invites us to enter into, so that we may experience the fullness of love that He created us as humanity to know, experience and embrace.  

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Top Five Books on Spirituality That I Read Last Year and Why I Loved Them!
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Top Five Books on Spirituality That I Read Last Year and Why I Loved Them!

I always have a huge stack of books in my living room, and on my nightstand that I intend to get to… but the piles seem to grow more than diminish! For 2022, I have set a goal of reading 50 books, which includes audiobooks, required texts, books of interest, and books just for fun. Here is a list of a few books from this past year that have really stuck with me.

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Disconnected Battery
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Disconnected Battery

One of the “spiritual practices” that we have chosen to lean into in our lives as a family is the practice of camping. I can already hear some of you thinking that camping is not a spiritual practice. Really though, anything that we choose to do to honour God, in order to seek His presence for the renewal of our souls whether in community or individually can be a spiritual practice. For us, it has become a part of the rhythm of our lives and has an impact on how we live spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

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Break Bread Not The Body
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Break Bread Not The Body

This is a call to do things differently, to choose the way of love and to honour each other regardless of our personal opinions, choices and agendas. Our primary call must be to love and honour one another and to do what we can to build each other up in the faith. There are too many needless casualties in these days.

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The Importance of THIS Season
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Importance of THIS Season

Years ago, my Mom, knowing my predisposition as a young man towards procrastination gave me a gift. The gift was a hamster wheel. At the time it was super random and one of those gifts that you say thanks for and then look waiting for the “and then,” or “so what,” or “okay you got me, please explain.” My Mom said something simple and direct that has stuck with me. She said, “I am giving you this to remind you not to get stuck spinning your wheels.” This is a great metaphor for where some people are finding themselves right now. Feeling like you are running all the time, getting no where and totally exhausted by your life, but not able to get off the wheel to rest and recover.

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Peeling the Onion
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Peeling the Onion

When we get that dried out, weary shell that sometimes happens in life, it can be hard to see past the exterior that has formed. Another problem is that the shell also creates a barrier to good things getting in, and to others seeing what is still hidden underneath. If you were to peel back the layer and rip off the hard, dried out exterior you would find that underneath is a supple, healthy, appealing onion. 

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Feeling Stuck?
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Feeling Stuck?

The place where you are stuck may feel like it is just the way that your life moving forward will be. That perhaps, this is what you get, based on how your life has gone so far. This does not need to be the case. You do not need to stay stuck.

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Canada Day 2021
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Canada Day 2021

I believe that this is a pivotal moment that God has chosen to shine a light on this atrocity and also on the wrongs that were committed in His name. I believe that God is wanting to see this historical wrong made right, and each person, family and nation is to be given the opportunity to be heard, to be embraced and known, and to receive the healing that has been held back by the secrets, the lies and lack of admission of guilt.

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Dusty Dreams
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Dusty Dreams

Ever feel like a dream is really long in happening? There are some dreams that are promised, then get placed high up on the bookshelves of our lives, collecting dust, and seem to be forgotten, and maybe even given up on as they languish.

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Why Do You Look Among the Dead?
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Why Do You Look Among the Dead?

Jesus did for us what we could not on our own, so that we could in and through Him come and experience eternity with God not separated by sin but drawn in by His love. We are, in Jesus, able to be freed from sin and death, resurrected with Him into life.

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Cupped hands
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Cupped hands

Roscoe and I were working on a writing prompt the other day for school. He had to retell the story of my worst day at work. I don’t intend to, but I seem to block those sorts of days from my memory, so I came up blank. He, however, proceeded to remind me of a time when there was a sick child in one of the grade one groups.

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Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh


What if God is bringing all of this stuff to the surface in us in 2020 so that 2021 can be a year of VICTORY, a year where we break through the surface of that which has trapped us and all that has held us back? What if we have all been given an opportunity, to not just keep moving forward from one year that beat many of us up into another of the same, but rather, to take stock of what is ready to be dealt with now on the surface and right there in our faces?

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Simplicity of the Gospel - Advent 4&5
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Simplicity of the Gospel - Advent 4&5

God keeps things simple, so that we can have HOPE that what He promises is accessible, is possible. People make things complicated. Within advent we pause to reflect on the simplicity of a pretty HUGE idea, the incarnation, God becoming human. The Hebrew people had been waiting for God to intervene in history in a big way, but they anticipated Him coming as a warrior King who would deliver them from oppressors and make all things right. Instead He comes as a baby. There is nothing more simple OR complex than a newborn baby!

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Looking Through the Lens of Joy - Advent 3
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Looking Through the Lens of Joy - Advent 3

Roscoe and I were doing a study on joy this week, and we were thinking about the difference between joy and happiness. If you look up the definition of both words in the dictionary, it is very similar and they are synonyms for one another. But despite what the dictionary says, they aren’t exactly the same. Joy at first glance seems like a simple emotion, but it is more a state of being.

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Peace: Absence or Presence - Advent 2
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Peace: Absence or Presence - Advent 2

Peace is often described as a goal or state of being for people, but often with other words such as serenity, calm, rest, zen, clarity, stillness... I’m sure you can think of a few other words or phrases that reflect a similar idea. We want inner peace as well as peace in our relationships, in our workplaces, in our neighbourhoods and in our world. And most of us are willing to try whatever techniques, tips, books, practices (spiritual, relaxation, meditative, etc) or otherwise so that we can expand our sense of peace within, and in what we offer of ourselves to the world around us. One of the common misconceptions about peace, though, is that it requires an absence of something in order to be achieved.

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