A Thrill of Hope - Advent 1


The words from the hymn “O Holy Night” have been resonating through my mind and heart all week, since we lit the first candle of advent. Never before in my life have I so needed the thrill of hope, nor during my lifetime would I say the world has needed to experience the thrill of hope on such a collective scale. These are hard days. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge that.

But what is meant by “a thrill”? An adrenaline rush? Excitement? An all-consuming distraction from reality? No, it is not how we may describe a thrill today, but rather the realization that what has long been hoped for, is starting to come to pass! The seed that was planted and laid dormant in the ground has come to life and will burst forth in all its glory! A promise made is now reality. But, I’m not talking about a vaccine, or a political promise or the hope that someday soon life will be “normal” again. Those are hopes that may thrill but are temporary.

The hope in which “the weary world rejoices” is one that has been long anticipated. Longer than my lifetime, or any of our lifetimes. It is the longing for all things to be made right, for all things to be made new. The longing for reconciliation with the Creator by the created, who have struggled and chafed in a world complicated by brokenness and hurt, and sin. But it is not just reconciliation we long for, it is redemption. Because as humankind, we cannot seem to get it together all at the same time ourselves. Try as hard as we might, hope in ourselves, is not the ultimate answer. We need help. We need grace. We need mercy. We need God.
The thrill of hope is Him, stepping into our world, our mess, our isolation, our questions about the rulers and authorities, about the times we live in, the mess, the complications, the brokenness, the sin. That is what He did through Jesus at a marked time in history, and what He continues to do each and everyday through His Spirit.

These are actually the days of the “new and glorious morn” from the song. It may not feel like it as we wait to hear what restrictions may be in place for Christmas. It may not feel like it through our job loss, our sickness, our isolation from family and friends. It may not feel like it in the grieving and mourning that we are each experiencing as covid as stolen much from us. My friend, Dr. Rob Reimer said, “Some say Covid is a killer, but it is a thief.” Here is the truth though: we live in the days of a new and glorious morn. Are you living like it? Are you living not just with the thrill of hope, but with hope actualized? The hope we have in Christ is real and true and does not change based on the day, political agenda, funding or covid numbers. The hope that is available through Jesus is unending, unchanging, verifiable, available and infinite. It is hope that is for all. And it is a hope that is for today. If you need some of this hope... message me! I would love to talk it through with you. Or I can help you find someone who will.

This is my prayer over you today:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


Peace: Absence or Presence - Advent 2


The Second Wave of Fear - Part 4