Under Spiritual Attack? Start by Checking Your Walls
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Under Spiritual Attack? Start by Checking Your Walls

Do you ever feel like you are under a measure of spiritual attack Yes? Well, then you are not alone. If you are a follower of Jesus you are in a spiritual battle whether you are aware of it or not. It goes with the territory. You have a very real enemy of the soul who doesn’t like you and is bent on taking you down and making life more challenging than it needs to be.

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Themes, Thoughts and Earworms
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Themes, Thoughts and Earworms

Earworm songs are those songs that somehow get to have real estate in your mind and embed themselves in the internal world. They get locked in on repeat and are incredibly challenging to dislodge once they become entrenched into the mind. Like the earworm song, we all have songs, words, thoughts, narratives and embedded cultural themes that play consistently in our minds and hearts. Some of these are positive, empowering, and life-giving and some of them are negative, dehumanizing, and can be life-altering.

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6 Steps To Navigating A Change of Seasons
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

6 Steps To Navigating A Change of Seasons

There are times is our lives when we know, or become aware of the fact, that we are about to shift seasons, or about to shift into a new place in our faith journey that’s deeper, somehow further along than where we just were. We become aware of a feeling of discomfort where you know you’re about to grow, but you’re just not there yet. We often refer to these as Threshold Spaces. A Threshold Space is that inbetween place from where you have been and where you are going or growing, but you are just not there yet. The work that we do in preparation for these seasons of change, or the spiritual season of growth, is incredibly important and helpful as we seek to navigate through these seasons well. 

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Need Energy?
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Need Energy?

Are you feeling weary today? Where do you go when you need a boost of energy or renewed strength?  There are many things that we do or places that we go to try to recharge our batteries, or to get a quick burst of energy in order to minimize the deep feelings of tired and weariness. Renewed strength, energy, and capacity do not just happen. A solid night’s sleep, or some flavourful energy concoction cannot impart renewal that is sustained and ongoing.  

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Chosen Rest
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Chosen Rest

How often have you thought to yourself recently, “I am so tired”? If you are feeling like you need a serious break, even after some time off, a long weekend, or a vacation, you need more than a really good nap. You need rest. Rest is different than a break, or even time off. So, what is rest?

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Offering More Than Platitudes
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Offering More Than Platitudes

Sickness of any kind can act as a limiting agent on living life to its fullest. It can rob you of your energy and the ability to do the things that you enjoy doing. It can lead to self-isolation that disconnects you from friends, co-workers, and community. There are certain kinds of sicknesses that can completely take over your whole life, altering your appearance, your priorities, your routines, and your relationships. These types of illness do not need platitudes of kindness or spiritualized offers of prayer. They need the life-renewing intervention of Jesus.

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Merchants of time
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Merchants of time

Time is a reality that we all have in equal measure every day. It is something we can never get more of, but it is certainly something that we can give away. We like to use economic metaphors regarding time, such as: spending, managing, exploiting , investing, and consuming. However, time is not actually a commodity that can be purchased, sold, or manufactured. Try thinking of a metaphor for how time passes without it being economic… that’s challenging! How we use and speak of time reveals what we value.

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Sticky Words
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Sticky Words

Words have power. They have an impact. And they can be incredibly harmful. Even the words that are thrown at you that you know aren’t true. Words are sticky, and somehow they seem to echo inside our minds, eventually finding their way into our souls. Then, those spiteful phrases or names attach themselves to us, influencing our thoughts, behaviours, and decision-making long past their original reception.

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The Taste of Communion
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Taste of Communion

When we take hold of the bread and cup and remember Jesus, we are not simply reminding ourselves of a historical figure that lived and died. Rather, we are reminding ourselves and those with us, of the incredible reality of the most important and pivotal moment in all of human history.

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What Do You Welcome?
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

What Do You Welcome?

The things that we hold in our lives shape and influence our thoughts, our actions, and our speech. They are like little seeds that are planted in the soil of our lives, taking root, and then bearing fruit that may be good and helpful, or may not be. Whatever we behold, we will become.

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Tossed by the waves
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Tossed by the waves

The power and ferocity of the waves are similar to the effects of trying to live out your faith in a secular culture. It can be difficult to navigate all the differing worldviews, opinions, and circumstances that question the legitimacy of your faith in God, or even the existence of God. Likewise, there is a temptation to graft in other practices, philosophies, and attitudes to “supplement” faith in God that may seem harmless, and potentially even complimentary. How does one discern what parts of culture are helpful, and which are harmful?

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Love in the Everyday
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Love in the Everyday

Every summer we go camping on a river with kilometres of rocky beaches. As we walk the beaches our eyes scan the rocks looking for unique ones; particularly heart-shaped ones. My gardens are now full of the heart-shaped rocks that we have found. They are like little love notes that we have picked up and placed around our home to remind us that we are loved, and who we are loved by. Each time I see one, it captivates my attention for a moment, and redirects my thoughts to either the person who found the rock for me, or the One who created the rock, leaving it as a reminder to be found.

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Mending Fences
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Mending Fences

We are in a season where many are needing to do some relational restorative work…it is a season to mend fences. This can be hard work, it is often humbling, but in the end there is always the possibility of restoration and healing if you are willing to put in the time and effort.

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A Year To Step Out And Take A Risky Step
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

A Year To Step Out And Take A Risky Step

As I have come through the last few months I have been repeatedly reminded through conversations with people who do not claim to be Christians or followers of Christ that not everyone is closed off to God. And most importantly, they are not closed to having genuine encounters with God and his people, who themselves are having regular encounters with him.

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A Predetermined Yes
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

A Predetermined Yes

In the short few chapters of the gospels that Joseph is present we get a glimpse of a man that walked in such a deep and obedient faith in God that when God spoke to Him, even it if called for a major shift in lifestyle, geography or comfort, Joseph responded and did so in a very quick manner. This is a key to his walk of faith…

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Fearless Decision Making
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Fearless Decision Making

Far too often we allow our fears to factor too heavily into our decision-making process, and as a result, we don’t act in faith and walk in love into the places God is calling us.

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Out of the Mire
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Out of the Mire

Have you ever had a moment like this, where you got into mud or a puddle with footwear that you thought would be sufficient to get you through to the other side only to find that once in the mud that you became stuck? As you found yourself wrestling to try to dislodge your mud-shackled appendages it probably didn’t take you long to come to the awareness that the boots that you got into that mess may not be the footwear that you walk out with shortly. These boots might just need to get left in the mud.

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Daily Bread
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Daily Bread

The prayer model that Jesus teaches His disciples in the gospels is not simply a guide to prayer but an invitation to deeper relational intimacy with God His Father. When Jesus refers to daily bread, He is speaking of prayer being like one of the most basic human needs, the need for sustenance. And He does so with the most humble of meals… bread.

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Triggers, Traps, And Turning Points
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

Triggers, Traps, And Turning Points

The thing about a trap, is that we can usually see it for what it is, but we convince ourselves that we’re too smart to be caught by it. Perhaps we have former experience with that type of trap, and so we think that we won’t be snared by it again. Or, it may be that we think that even if we are caught, we can get ourselves out. Nevertheless, A TRAP IS A TRAP. There is something within it that appeals to us, and once we choose to say yes to whatever that thing may be, we find ourselves under its power. 

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The Pansy in the Pavement
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Pansy in the Pavement

The question is often asked: Is it possible to thrive and flourish in challenging environments? And, if so, how is it that some people find a way in seemingly difficult circumstances to do well, while others find themselves struggling to move ahead?

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