

This last week I saw several posts and comments on social media by people finding it weird that as 2020, a year of challenges, disappointments, loss and grieving, was coming to an end that 2021 felt like 2020-won. That 2020 was the winner and we were the losers somehow.

I get it. In some ways it feels that way.

2020 was one of the most challenging, heart breaking and confusing years for many of us, myself included. For me, a job that I enjoyed and had poured my heart into for 15 years suddenly came to an end, and as a result we lost community, employment, regular rhythm and much more. God was so in it, even letting me know last Christmas Eve and other times throughout 2019 and 2020 that our time was coming to an end where we worked, and we even felt that He let us (Carmen and myself) know approximately when it would happen. It was still incredibly hard, and came with a lot to process, some deep loss and grieving and the all-too-painful challenges on identity, calling and value of our work and ministry over the past 15 years.

Grieving is hard. Anyone who has grieved any kind of loss knows this. It is an unpredictable wild stallion that rears its head and bucks when it pleases and is not a respecter of time, plans or persons. Grief comes in unbroken waves, and hits you when you least expect it, and it keeps going until it is tamed and walked through, or understood and walked with.

All of the challenges and hurdles that we have all encountered this year have done something that perhaps was unanticipated, and has the potential, when taken hold of, to actually make us better and propel us forward as people. 2020 and the dumpster fire that it has been for many, has actually been something that, when viewed through a different lens, is not just about a year winning and us just clawing through, but rather an opportunity to come out on the other end better and refined as victorious people.

What if in the midst of this all, God was bringing things to the surface in us that He wanted to remove, like dross in the gold refining process? Places in our lives, such as wounds and pains of the past that haven’t been dealt with, and character defects that have become our companions over the years, but really need to go in order for us to be a better version of ourselves. What if God is wanting to get ahold of that secret sin, that stuff that you do but no one else knows about? What if He is wanting to bring healing to something that has been raw and acting like an unwelcome lingering guest in your life for longer than it should? This pandemic and all of the byproducts of the year have revealed and brought to light many of our dysfunctions, unhealthy patterns and tendencies we have in our lives that we have been able to keep hidden and out of sight, but now are on display, at least for us to see.

What if God is bringing all of this stuff to the surface in us in 2020 so that 2021 can be a year of VICTORY, a year where we break through the surface of that which has trapped us and all that has held us back? What if we have all been given an opportunity, to not just keep moving forward from one year that beat many of us up into another of the same, but rather, to take stock of what is ready to be dealt with now on the surface and right there in our faces?

I think that it is time. We have an opportunity. I am ready for a change. I believe that 2021 is a going to be a season of victory, overcoming and breakthrough for those who are able to see what God has been doing under the surface and are willing to come to Him with what is now positioned to be dealt with. Don’t turn a blind eye, or re-bury what is on the surface. Don’t miss this moment.

If you are not sure what is there to be dealt with (or even if you are fully aware of what is there), pray and ask Jesus what He sees and what areas of your life are needing victory and breakthrough. Then partner with Him and deal throughly with what He highlights. End its time in your life and give God the space to make a place and brokenness, grief or pain into a place of victory, healing and hope with and in Him.

With what has been brought to the surface:

*Confess it to God as what it is (sin, unforgiveness, unaddressed wounds, loss, etc)

*If it is sin, ask God for forgiveness for that sin and why you have chosen it over His way

*Repent and choose to change your ways and live beyond that thing, with and in God’s plan.

If it is painful or a broken place invite God to meet you there and to speak to you about that place. He is willing to bring healing through this invitation. He may want to share with you what needs to happen to move forward.

*Forgive others if you need to. (God I forgive _______ for ________.)

*Invite God’s help to move forward into that breakthrough (living without that stuff) as that can be hard as well.

I am praying for you today as you step into what God has for you. For me, this has been tough but so worth it, and I know that what God has ahead in this year for us will be better walked into with a new perspective and with less junk in the dumpster to burn.

Let’s flip the narrative of one of 2020 winning to 2020 being a year of refining and preparation for 2021 to be a year of victory and growth.

Happy New Year 202WON!


Cupped hands


Simplicity of the Gospel - Advent 4&5