The Second Wave of Fear - Part 1


With the resurgence of COVID in the States and the cries in Canada for re-entry to “normal” there has been a feeling or fresh wave of fear and anxiety about the future and what could happen. This season has presented every one of us with opportunities to choose the way of fear or to walk in the fullness of the love and security that God offers us in Jesus. Back in March I wrote on “Fear, Anxiety, COVID 19, the Kingdom and the King”. Over the next few days I will offer some sections of that writing with some current reflections.

In my opinion, this season and this time is not something to be feared, but to be entered into in the same way as every other day that God has given us on this planet! With a clear and sober mind, walking hand-in-hand with God into the unknown, unwavered by the tossing seas of fear, anxiety and uncertainty, focused on Jesus, filled with and empowered by the Spirit, and embracing the love of the Father.

Days like these have a way of stealing our affections and attentions off of the One who loves us, knows us and has a plan for us, and hoards these affections away in the vault of fear, anxiety and hopelessness. The insidious twist of this is that at first the enemy comes to us and causes us to feel that in giving into our fears and becoming anxious that we are actually being diligent, constructive and thoughtful. The reality is that we, at times, are allowing ourselves to be drawn into the plans of the enemy, that like a siren call, lead us not into safety, health and hope, but rather into bondage, anxiety, alienation from community and a downward cycle of fears that can not lead to life, especially the life that Christ purchased for us on the cross.

This is a time in the season of the Church where we need to actively choose to live by the Spirit and to find ourselves asking: Do my thoughts, actions and responses line up with the culture of the King (Jesus) and the Kingdom (of God)? When we pause to ask ourselves, and more importantly God, this question, all too often we are going to find that they do not, or that perhaps, not entirely.

When things are out of alignment, at times it is hard to notice, especially if it is only slightly off of centre, that we are not in proper alignment. This is one of the great tricks of the enemy and ruler of the kingdom of darkness. He wants just enough of your affection and attention onto fear that you are not able to stand with eyes fully fixed on Jesus, with a heart that is fully yielded to His words and to His ways. The enemy is simply hoping to divide our affections and attentions off of God long enough that we begin to walk slightly off the path, while we, still in the moment, feel that we are close enough that we are not missing the path entirely. In the beginning this still feels as though we are moving forward with Jesus, but in a brief moment of time we begin to discover that we are moving forward in ways that we did not intend, and that we are now walking an entirely new path, fraught with fears and anxious thoughts, and somehow devoid of the tangible and easily accessible presence of the Prince of Peace, Jesus, and the peace that comes with His presence.

If you feel as though you are in the absence of peace in these days, shift your attention off of the circumstances of the world and your day and onto Jesus. When you fix your eyes on Jesus you will find that He is not nervous or afraid in this moment, He is not uncertain with the events of COVID-19, He is not focused on fear... He is LOVE (1 John 4:16). Fear does not like to be in His presence, because when fear comes to be near Him, He drives fear away. Jesus will never drive you away as one who is fearful. But when you come to Him, Jesus will meet you right in the midst of your fears, in the darkest part of it. He will bring His light and love, and He will drive your fears away, creating space that He will fill with the presence of His love, and all the added benefits that come when we give the Holy Spirit invitation to come in!

***This may be a season with opportunities to fear, but this is not the time to act, live or give into fear. It is a time to draw nearer to the God who promises peace and His presence even if we find ourselves in the midst of a season of fear.

If you are finding yourself with fear or ramped up anxiety in this current season and time I want to encourage you to remember God, remember who He is, how Good He is and the fact that He loves you. Remember that He has already overcome the world and the enemy of your soul. Remember that He promises to always be with you and to never leave you or forsake you. Remember that He is wants to meet you in your time of need, in your fears and anxiety. Remember that you are His and He is yours. You do not belong to fear and fear is not yours.

As you remember God and consider how incredibly Good He actually is you will find that what He offers in His presence is a game changer for what is happening in your soul at the moment. Invite the King to come and bring the culture of His Kingdom to become the culture of your soul. Take time to consciously pause in your day and remember God and who He is in your life. Remember the God who saves and who is not anxious or fearful, but is full of love, peace and hope! He is for you.

The next note will come with more thoughts on living well in these moments where fear and anxiety can come and try to rob what God has for you and will give some additional thoughts on who God is and what He offers in moments like these.***

*Excerpts taken from my note published on March 18, 2020, posted to facebook called “Thoughts on this current season and time...Reflections on Fear, Anxiety, COVID-19, the Kingdom and the King.” To read the full note you can find it on my public Facebook page on that date. Additional thoughts added marked with *** *** on each side of thought.


The Second Wave of Fear - Part 2


The Sliding Scale of Anxiety and Peace