Canada Day 2021


Today is a day when I generally celebrate this great nation that I live in. Canada is an amazing place with vast landscapes, and diverse and beautiful people. We have in our history an abundance of stories, decisions and admirable qualities in leaders, and the people alike. WE are an amazing people and I am proud to be a Canadian in many respects. This a day to honour the best qualities of who we are, and to be reminded that as a diverse people with many cultures, peoples and nations, that we are who we are because of the whole of us. We are a beautiful mosaic of all the nations of the world, gathered on this land, that was, and continues to be, first inhabited by, and cared for by the First Nations.

Canada Day 2021 is different that any I have ever experienced. Today, we are in a phase shift of Covid-19 isolation to being allowed to gather and be in physical community again. Today, we are in a heat dome that is causing damage, destruction and fires, and has also taken the lives of people in British Columbia with its oppressive, unrelenting heat.

Today, most importantly, we publicly as a nation are facing a reckoning in which our rich history is rightfully challenged and under scrutiny. We have for far too long, turned a blind eye, acting as if Canada was somehow in the right, and as if a people was not the same as other peoples in this country.

God’s people, did not stand up for the oppressed, the mother and father having their child stolen, the child needing to have the affection and love of parents and nurturing voices and care of community, the sick, dying and brokenhearted.

We as the church, as Christians, called by the name of Jesus, whether we fully believe in Him and follow Jesus or not, have not lived as Christ and done what was right in His eyes. We did not look after the those who were in need. Instead, we allowed people, sick with power, sick with evil intentions and motives to perpetuate a crime against humanity, a crime against a people across this nation.

We are quick to say sorry for things, it is part of who we are as Canadians. We apologize often and even when it is not necessary. This is not that time. Today is not that day.

My prayer today, is that across this nation, from coast to coast, sea to glorious sea, from the northern-most points to our southern borders, Canadians will take stock of what has happened. That individually and collectively, we will seek to own and accept our part, whether in action or inaction, whether in perpetrated act or by wrongfully accepting that this was an acceptable practice, or simply “part of history.” What has happened and been allowed to continue through a lack of proper, meaningful and lasting reconciliation is wrong and it is time for change. It is time for all people, whether first or seventh generation Canadian to make a change, not through anger, rage, destruction, fear-mongering or threats, but through humility, honour, love and healing. We need to turn our hearts back to God and towards each other and do the hard work of confessing where we have gone wrong, seeking forgiveness for wrongs committed and agreed with, and repenting of what happened, and also of the pride that got us here in the first place.

I believe that this is a pivotal moment that God has chosen to shine a light on this atrocity and also on the wrongs that were committed in His name. I believe that God is wanting to see this historical wrong made right, and each person, family and nation is to be given the opportunity to be heard, to be embraced and known, and to receive the healing that has been held back by the secrets, the lies and lack of admission of guilt. May today be a day where there is a shift in the story, where it is no longer hidden in the shadows, but fully exposed and brought into the light. May this be a day where Canada chooses to honour and dignify each person, indigenous and non-indigenous who has been negatively affected in this story. May those who have wronged others feel the conviction of the Spirit of God to admit, confess and apologize for what they have done. May the government not just say things to appear to be involved and continue to pass the buck to the next phase of leadership but rather come to the table and act on the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. May the Church humbly come and ask for forgiveness, not just in blanket, headline terms, but in accurate, clearly articulated terms that don’t offer lip service but heartfelt, honest confession and repentance for wrongs committed and seek forgiveness from those affected. May all of the little ones lost, be found and brought home to their families, communities and territorial grounds to be laid to rest with their ancestors. May this be a day where we begin to see this story transition into reconciliation, redemption, healing and hope.

This is an important moment in Canadian history. It is time. How will we respond to this moment? How will we choose to participate? Will we humble ourselves and make right what is and has been wrong for all these years? Will we seek to make reconciliation a priority? This moment, along with each person living and deceased in this story is far too important to God not to make this right.

As a Christian in Canada, and a caucasian in Canada, I apologize for wrong-thinking, a lack of compassion, humility and love in action. For any ways that my actions, words, thoughts or inaction has perpetuated these wrongs or not been helpful I apologize and look towards a more informed, open and reconciled future with our indigenous peoples in Canada. I am grateful to have indigenous family members and friends to help me in this journey.

There is a path forwards…will we walk it?

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14


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