A Year To Step Out And Take A Risky Step

The events and circumstances of the last couple of years have caused many people to become increasingly uncertain about reaching out, sharing their faith, or even being willing to let others know that they are believers in Jesus.  Something in the nature of the last season combined with a rising level of discomfort with religion have served to make many people feel as though it is still valuable to practice and process faith personally, but perhaps not safe to do so outside of the comfort of a faith community, or the home.

As I have come through the last few months I have been repeatedly reminded through conversations with people who do not claim to be Christians or followers of Christ that not everyone is closed off to God. And most importantly, they are not closed to having genuine encounters with God and his people, who themselves are having regular encounters with him. This could be through the receiving of prayer for people in a moment of vulnerability due to illness, uncertainty or pain, or even sharing a word with someone who is stuck, and may, in that moment be interested in a spiritual encounter that can help to guide or make sense of their current circumstances.

While it may seem that some people are not open to “religious conversations” currently, my experience is that many people are more open to “spiritual conversations.” Religious conversations about the rules, laws, apologetics, and truth of Scripture may not be as consistent of an on-ramp with most people. However, living life well as a believer among others who know what you believe but don’t feel threatened by it, can provide wonderful opportunities for doorways of access into someone’s life. This kind of lifestyle has become more attractive when trying to help people encounter Jesus. It is a byproduct of living well in relationship with Jesus, and encountering the Holy Spirit’s renewing presence on a regular basis in your own life.

Living well with people can have an impact on people’s lives. However (which I always remember is just a big but), there does come a time, even in that way of living, that if you are open to it, watching, and available to God, that he might choose to give you a “key” to unlock a door in that person’s life, so that they can have a life-changing, destiny-altering encounter with God. Keys speak to the possibility of locked doors being opened. This is always a moment of action, or risk, of stepping out in faith.

When that moment comes, and God is looking for someone to take hold of a key and open that door, the question is what will we do?

The biggest thing, about these moments when they come, is that they will always require you to take a risky step, especially when you are first starting to try to do this. This moment may require that you go beyond the edge of your comfort zone and put yourself in a position where you can feel wildly vulnerable and exposed. What if God doesn’t show up? What if I got it wrong? What if I listened in prayer to God and thought I heard something but it was just my mind trying to make something happen? What if I wreck this friendship or connection because I took this risky step?

What if…?

What if God shows up in a profound and life-altering way? What if I got it right and trusted God and he used me to help someone encounter him? What if I listened in prayer and waited on the Spirit of God and he gave me an accurate word, picture, sense or leading that turned out to be the very thing that helps someone encounter God and helps them to find out that he is real, that he loves them and he is good! What if this risky step forges this relationship, friendship or connection into a deep spiritual friendship that begins with you stepping out in faith?

What if…?

I feel like this is a year in which people who have been closed off to the gospel are going to be open to God encounters, especially through his people. The world right now is a tricky place for many. There are financial and economic pressures, relational strains and challenges, there are emotional hurdles and people are looking for support, resources and help. The old ways they have dealt with these things are no longer working, and they cannot get unstuck alone.

I feel like this is a season with an openness in people to spiritual things. That includes the God who is Spirit! I feel like this is a time when those who are willing to take a risky step with God, when he offers the keys to hearts, will find that the keys that they take hold of and try to use will be met with open doors to open hearts that may be willing to try to encounter God with you.

But it will start with being willing to be available and willing to be used by God, watching for opportunities, and when those moments come, to try taking risky steps.

What if…


Mending Fences


A Predetermined Yes