The Importance of THIS Season

We are living in such strange times. It is often amazing to me if I can string together even 5-7 days in a row of “normal days” without being confronted by some pandemic regulation change, government announcement, bizarre new twist, engagement with some divisive issue or even just the randomness of life on this crazy planet in these days. Nothing is “as normal” these days as we experience the ever evolving landscape of our lives. Two years ago none of us would have ever predicted this would be our new normal.  

Even in the disruptive nature of these days there is an importance that is critical not to be missed.

I hear the statement chosen for our sign board in our front entry ringing in my ears often like a prophetic voice calling in the desert of this season… “Know the importance of the season that you are in.” A year ago, Carmen chose this statement (from Proverbs 10:5 in the Passion Translation of the Bible) to be on our wall for the season and it has remained the message to this day.

We are all in an important season right now! Even this moment is important because it is the moment that we find ourselves in. Every day is a gift. Every day is also a challenge and an opportunity to grow in our character and capacity as a person. Each moment we are in is a transformational moment where we can draw closer to the kind of person that we want to be, or find ourselves either gently or firmly pushing back against the opportunity.  

For many this season has not been one of personal transformation, at least not in the way that we have wanted. Many have changed, but not in ways that we would have anticipated as a trajectory for our personal development and journey. We have coped, we have adapted, we have pivoted and we have lived as best as we can in this crazy season, but all of that comes at a price. It is tiring, and it is wearing people down. At least I have felt that way at times and I am seeing it in people around me.  

Years ago, my Mom, knowing my predisposition as a young man towards procrastination gave me a gift. The gift was a hamster wheel.  At the time it was super random and one of those gifts that you say thanks for and then look waiting for the “and then,” or “so what,” or “okay you got me, please explain.” My Mom said something simple and direct that has stuck with me. She said, “I am giving you this to remind you not to get stuck spinning your wheels.” This is a great metaphor for where some people are finding themselves right now. Feeling like you are running all the time, getting no where and totally exhausted by your life, but not able to get off the wheel to rest and recover.  

One of the things that has both fascinated and challenged me in the life and ministry of Jesus, is his ability to stay present in every moment, fully engaged with each person, and still stay healthy and well through it all.

Even with all the rigours and demands of his days and ministry he was perfectly self aware. He knew his human limitations, needs, and what was required of him just to show up each day. Throughout his ministry we see Jesus run hard and then rest, withdrawing from his disciples and the crowd to do the restorative work of body, mind, soul and spirit. He would pause, he would pray, he would rest, and then he would re-enter from a place of rest to the work set before him. He knew the importance of the season that he was in and also what was required for him to do it well to be who he needed to be in the next moment before him.

Jesus, in the gospel of John, was often referenced as “knowing the time had come,” or as “knowing what was ahead.” We also read about how he was aware of seasons and times.   Here are a few questions to consider as you do some self-reflection on the season you are in:

  • What is the season that you are in right now? What makes it important?

  • How are you caring for yourself in this season?

  • What do you observe in Jesus’ patterns of ministry and rest that you could apply to your own life right now?

  • What can you do today to stop spinning your wheels and get some traction and movement forward in areas that you feel like you might be stuck right now?

  • If you were to look at your life and all the components of who you are all laid out before you, is there any area of your life that feels like it is stuck or lagging?

  • What do you need to change or shift in order to move forward again?

Take time to think about what you are feeling and sensing as you allow yourself the space to process these questions. If you find something that seems out of order, take time to consider why it feels that way and then, don’t just make a plan, do something about it. If you can identify an area where you are needing support or tools to figure out how to move forward, send us an email. We would love to connect and help you take steps forward into greater health and self awareness, so that you can move though this threshold with greater clarity, capacity, refined character and identity more ready to face what this season has to offer.

Know the importance of the season that you are in, and live that season well!  


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