The Second Wave of Fear - Part 4


Confronting Fear, Anxiety and Lies with the Word of God and Truth

If you are struggling with fear, chances are that you have found ways to cope or deal with fear and the feelings that come with it. You have probably also found that it doesn’t just go away on its own leaving you peaceful and at rest. Fear may come and go, but it is only ever really dealt with, and we really only ever get freedom from fear and anxiety, when we deal with the underlying issues, wounds and lies that are giving them the access to our souls to reek havoc on our interior worlds. We need to confront these issues, wounds and lies head on with the presence of God and the truth of His Word.

Fear must be confronted with the Truth and with Love, it cannot ever fully be dealt with passively on gently.

If fear is an issue for you right now, one the best things that you can do is to be in the Word of God and hear what the God of the universe was has already said about fear and take hold of the promises of God for yourself. If even Jesus went to, referenced and anchored Himself in the word in challenges or spiritual battles, how much more must we look to God and His Word.

These next days may be challenging and filled with opportunities to fear, but we have One who has promised that regardless of where we go and what we face that we do not do it alone. He is with us and He is perfect love, and His love drives out fear if we give Him access to our fears.

That is the order to have Jesus deal with our fears we need to give Him access to them, and allow Him to take them away and deal with them in the way that He is able.

Ultimately, we want and need Jesus to do it His way, not in the way that we want Him to do it. Part of fear is control and a need to control outcomes and situations. In order to deal with our fears we need to surrender them to Jesus. Only in our surrender to the will and love of Jesus will he have full access to dealing with our fears.

Jesus will only deal harshly and thoroughly in our lives with what we give Him access to.

He has made a way to deal with our fears, but He will not force us to yield our fears and anxieties to Him. He simply offers an invitation to us to bring our fears and anxieties to Him and give Him the space to deal with them, with us, in a way that reasserts His place in our lives and preeminence over all else that would seek to take His place.

What He offers must be accomplished from a first place in our lives, not as some called in favour from where we have chosen to locate His importance in our life. When Christ is all and has been given the proper place of supremacy and authority in our lives, a signal is sent in that moment to the powers of hell and the darkness that comes in tow that we will no longer bow the knee to them as we have now chosen to bow the knee Christ alone. The darkness and powers of hell can not have their full debilitating effects on one that is yielded entirely to Christ, as to yield to anything else would be a departure from a surrendered life to Christ. To do so would serve to give back the territory to the enemy that has been surrendered to Christ. We do this far to often, which is why at times we feel like a wave tossed in the seas of peace and anxiety, unable to achieve long term peace in the Fairhaven of His love. This is the reason why we must daily surrender and yield our lives to Christ. Why we must continually turn and return our hearts towards Jesus and the peace He offers.

The battle for the soul is a daily battle on this side of eternity. Even though it has seen an ultimate victorious end in Christ, there are still battles to be fought and victories to be partnered with and won in Jesus. He is the victor and the victorious One and as we partner with Him, find ourselves in Him and choose to agree with and live in the truth of He says we are then the lies that we have believed will begin to lose their ground. In agreeing with the truth of who God is, who He says we are and what He promises to us in moments of fear and anxiety, we will find increasingly that our minds come first to Him instead of fear, our hearts find peace residing within instead of anxiety, and we remember that we are loved which has this beautiful way of driving out and defeating the worst of what has held us captive for far to long. The Bible says that it is truth that sets us free from things like fear and anxiety. However, it not just truth known and read, but rather believed, embraced and aligned with. The Bible is the ultimate source of truth and is trustworthy, reliable and true.

We were made to know the peace, love, hope and freedom of God and to host His presence and to live in the truth of who He is and who He says we are in Him.

As you read the Word, invite His presence to lead and guide you, read and soak in the word and process with Jesus what He has for you to embrace, choose to agree and align with truth and take Him at His word!

Over the next 14 days here are 14 Scriptures on what God has to say about fear and anxiety and how He deals with them. Each day as you read them, ask Jesus to speak to you about your situation and then listen to what He says. Then ask yourself 4 questions:

What does God have to say about fear and anxiety?

What is God’s promise for me today?

How does this affect my journey and faith?

How can I trust God and step out in faith today with God?

These are the 14 scriptures:

Psalm 91 Joshua 1:8-9

1 John 4:16-18 Philippians 4:4-9 John 14:27 Psalm 23

Psalm 27:1-4,13-14 1 Peter 5:6-7 Isaiah 41:9-10,13-14

Matthew 6:25-34 Isaiah 40:28-31

2 Chronicles 20:1-32

Psalm 112:6-9 Psalm 139:23-24

Choose to confront fear with the Truth of the Word and from the place of being one who is dearly loved and peacefully surrendered. As you do, watch the enemy back down as you find yourself enjoying the peace and presence of the King!

Excerpts taken from my note published on March 18, 2020, posted to facebook called “Thoughts on this current season and Time...Reflections on Fear, Anxiety, COVID-19, the Kingdom and the King.” To read the full note you can find it on my public Facebook page on that date. Additional thoughts added.


A Thrill of Hope - Advent 1


The Second Wave of Fear - Part 3