A Thrill of Hope - Advent 1
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

A Thrill of Hope - Advent 1

What is meant by “a thrill”? An adrenaline rush? Excitement? An all-consuming distraction from reality? No, it is not how we may describe a thrill today, but rather the realization that what has long been hoped for, is starting to come to pass! The seed that was planted and laid dormant in the ground has come to life and will burst forth in all its glory! A promise made is now reality.

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The Second Wave of Fear - Part 4
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Second Wave of Fear - Part 4

If you are struggling with fear, chances are that you have found ways to cope or deal with fear and the feelings that come with it. You have probably also found that it doesn’t just go away on its own leaving you peaceful and at rest. Fear may come and go, but it is only ever really dealt with, and we really only ever get freedom from fear and anxiety, when we deal with the underlying issues, wounds and lies that are giving them the access to our souls to reek havoc on our interior worlds. We need to confront these issues, wounds and lies head on with the presence of God and the truth of His Word.

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The Second Wave of Fear - Part 3
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Second Wave of Fear - Part 3

Honestly, I think a key in this season is to be more aware of the presence of God and more intentional about choosing to lean into the presence of God. We need to stand on what we know and believe to be true and rely on the promises of God and His great love for us and His presence with us!

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The Second Wave of Fear - Part 2
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Second Wave of Fear - Part 2

Have you ever found yourself asking where all of your fearful thoughts come from? They seem to come out of nowhere and build in waves, if given the chance, that in time can leave you feeling like you are drowning or barely keeping your head above water. What is the source of fear and anxiety and what does God offers to us in these days?

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The Second Wave of Fear - Part 1
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

The Second Wave of Fear - Part 1

In my opinion, this season and this time is not something to be feared, but to be entered into in the same way as every other day that God has given us on this planet! With a clear and sober mind, walking hand-in-hand with God into the unknown, unwavered by the tossing seas of fear, anxiety and uncertainty, focused on Jesus, filled with and empowered by the Spirit, and embracing the love of the Father.

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The Sliding Scale of Anxiety and Peace
Carmen Kinniburgh Carmen Kinniburgh

The Sliding Scale of Anxiety and Peace

Our lives can often feel like they are as delicate to balance as that sliding scale. On the pan side we heap the issues, concerns, values and struggles of our lives. They drop the pan down, weighing heavy on our hearts. And to balance them out, we turn to worry, anxiety, coping mechanisms, vices, other people, work, and many other things. It’s as though we think, by employing these actions, we are sliding the weights along the arm of the scale, able to determine the perfect moment of balance.

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Thoughts on Hope
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Thoughts on Hope

Our hope is not anchored in some fantasy, some dream or wish...our hope is firmly held in the unchanging nature of God, His redemptive completed plan and in the ongoing security of the Living Christ! This is an established, certain and unbreakable hope that supersedes and overcomes all uncertainty, fear, weariness and shaking. He is that firm foundation and secure place for our souls to find their rest and hold fast in this current storm.

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Tuning into the Frequency of God
Jeremy Kinniburgh Jeremy Kinniburgh

Tuning into the Frequency of God

God is always speaking. He is always “broadcasting”, so to speak, and He wants to speak to each and every one of us if we are willing to listen. Like that radio in the basement, hearing God has to do with a few key things as we seek to tune to the frequency of heaven.

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