In our life’s journey we can find ourselves feeling stuck in a threshold, a narrow place between two other distinct places. No longer fitting where we have been, and also not feeling ready to be the person that we are meant to be in the next season. Though uncomfortable, the threshold can be a place of opportunity to work on yourself (your character, identity, and capacity), to become the kind of person that you need to be to walk well in the next season. When we are in these threshold spaces, we may need someone to come alongside of us to give us perspective, to help us to navigate the journey, and to coach and cheer us on as we move forward. At Threshold Initiatives, we have resources, tools, keys, and initiatives to maximize this significant time for you in the threshold.
Do you feel stuck? It is far more normal than most of us would care to admit. There are many different areas within our lives where we can feel stuck at any given time. One of the things that we do at Threshold Initiatives is to help people figure out where they are stuck, and help them to take steps forward in their journey again.
Are you standing at a door looking at it wondering what is on the other side? Perhaps you are feeling like you have hit a bit of a plateau (flat space), a ceiling (a limiting space), or you have come to an awareness of things in your past that are holding you back from stepping into all that God has for you. We believe that there are kingdom keys that God has given us to unlock these next places and levels in our personal, emotional, physical, and spiritual lives. Do you feel like the next level in your relationship with God is just always beyond your horizon? We want to come alongside of you in this journey to help you to take hold of the keys that God has for you!

Threshold Initiatives is all about equipping transformational living through…
Coaching | Mentoring | Pastoral Care & Wellness | Spiritual Renewal
Jeremy & carmen kinniburgh
Meet the people behind Threshold Initiatives and hear their story.
What People Are Saying
"The expertise and guidance Jeremy has provided through my coaching sessions have been amazing. I made, looking back, what would be the best career decision I have made when I hired him as my career coach.
Jeremy helped me to look at the issues I was having at work and not only helped me to work through them, but opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. Working in government we are always told that “oh that’s not possible” “we don’t do it that way.” Jeremy helped me to push those thoughts aside and look at what is possible. He helped me come up with concrete steps to identify my goals and take the steps to achieve them.
I deeply value the time we've spent together and the progress I've made with your help. I wouldn't be this far in my career goals or have this much courage to push forward without your support. I am so grateful to Jeremy and recommend him to anyone who is ready to move forward in their life."
Becky Birbilis
Lean Advisor, LeanBC
"I had given up hope that I would be completely free from the trauma of my past. I had seen wonderful counsellors who had helped me immensely, but there were some nightmares and fear that just wouldn’t go away. I had come to terms with the fact that some hurts must be too great to heal and I would have to learn to live with it, until a friend encouraged me to contact Jeremy and Carmen.
From our first meeting, Jeremy and Carmen breathed hope into what I had viewed as an impossible situation. The hurts I carried were so deep and painful I NEVER thought forgiveness was possible. The demons in the shadows so powerful, I could never let them go. The shame and worthlessness I felt so strong, it would always be there. But they not only brought me to a point where I forgave those who hurt me, I found myself genuinely praying for their salvation. I was able to confront the demons from my past as they taught me how to claim the victory I have through Christ Jesus. The feelings of shame and worthlessness melted away as they helped me claim an identity based on who Jesus says I am. Today, I stand in the freedom of Christ I once thought was impossible and let me tell you, it feels better than I could have ever imagined."
Rebekah Beck
"I carry with me a deep appreciation for Jeremy and Carmen Kinniburgh. I’ve known them for a long time with roots going back to the 1990’s. There’s been plenty of friendship, mentoring and coaching that has flowed both ways throughout the years we’ve know each other. I have watched as they have grown in Christ, stewarded their calling, exercised and developed their spiritual gifts and given themselves selflessly to serving and loving other people. Whether it has been with those who don’t know Christ, those who do and those who are in significant roles of leadership, Carmen and Jeremy have excelled in their influence of those around them. From children to youth to young adults to adults and seniors, they have shepherded and influenced those around them. I’m excited about their future and look forward to “reading” what this next chapter of their lives is going to contain. "
Matt Boda
Lead Pastor
RockPointe Church, Calgary, Alberta
"Jeremy and Carmen lead from a deep place of humility, experience, and insight. Their lives evidence growth in a way that makes me want to grow. I have experienced the way that they guide to new places by coming along side with care, humor, and appropriate challenge. Through their breadth of experience, they speak meaningfully into a variety of areas and life spaces. I am grateful for them and their ability to be redemptively present with others. I would recommend them to anyone looking to enter a new season."
Andrew McGregor
Lead Pastor
Fort St. John Alliance Church, Fort St. John, BC
"Recently Jeremy came to guest speak at our Sunday services. I was blown away by his willingness to take the time to write and deliver a new sermon that fit right into our current preaching series. It was clear Jeremy had gone to great lengths to understand and discern our local context. Jeremy delivered a passionate and impactful message and the Spirit of God moved in our gatherings."
Dave Sattler
Outreach Pastor
North Shore Alliance Church, North Vancouver, BC