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Threshold Sessions: The Way of Love

An online equipping event with Rev. Jeremy Kinniburgh teaching on living a life of love.

Cost $15

There are common themes that arise in the threshold spaces of our lives. They often serve as limiting factors in the development and maturation of our faith, our growth as individuals, and our ability to move forward in a threshold season. When undealt with these key factors often leave us stuck in some area of our lives, held back from the life that we feel that we are meant to be living. Through these sessions there will be teaching on the evening’s topic, an opportunity for questions and response (our version of Q&A), and some form of hands-on opportunity to address the topic in your own life, equipping you to step forward, into, and through a threshold into the life that God has made possible for you!

In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul refers to a “way” that is “most excellent.”  The first believers were referred to as followers of “the way.”  Jesus referred to Himself by many different names and titles.  When talking to His disciples about His impending death and resurrection, Jesus tells them that He will be going away to prepare a place for the them but will come back again to take them back to be with Him where He was.  They question Him about where He is going and tell Him that they do not know the way.  He challenges their way of thinking and their entire worldview when He tells them that they do in fact know the way, because HE is the way.  

Followers of Jesus are called to live differently, to be marked by a worldview and culture of their lives that is counter to the ways of the world, and that is increasingly aligned with the culture and ways of Jesus and His Kingdom!  His kingdom is the way of love and those who would come after Him and find themselves IN Jesus will walk as He did…in the way of Love.  

We will be looking at:

  • Biblical foundations of love

  • The Culture of the King and the Kingdom

  • Authentic Identifications of Love

  • What holds us back from receiving the love of God

  • How to receive and walk in the love of God

  • How God’s love received will affect how we live

  • Praying from a place of love not fear.

At this evening there will be a prayer team that will be available to help you to process and receive the love of God and open up to walking in the way of love if you are interested.  

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